Shomari's Portfolio
Lesson 1 September 2nd 2022 Lesson 1: Introduction to Pitch Class Lecture notes: The first seven letters of the alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) are used to visualize musical notes. On the piano, musical notes are recognized through playing white and black keys. The white keys illustrate musical tones and the black keys represent the half step intervals used between those tones. (eg. sharps, and flats) Music is read using various Clefs. The two that are most commonly used are the Treble Clef (G Clef), and the Bass clef (F Clef). The notes played in a musical selection are demonstrated through the use of key signatures. The above photo demonstrates the corresponding alphabetical letter associated with the piano keys. This photo shows us the significance of each line and space within the bass and treble clef. This video allows one to both visualize and hear the difference between sharps, flats, and natural notes on their respective clefs. This video is helpful because it allows us to under...